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My SpyraBlaster does not work!

Below are a few tips to get your SpyraTwo, SpyraThree or SpyraLX repaired:Please perform a reset if you have a SpyraTwo / SpyraThree:1.    Press the ON/OFF button for at least 5 seconds and two square brackets will appear on the display2.    After th

SpyraTwo/SpyraThree is shooting air

1. Shoot your SpyraBlaster empty until the display shows 00%.2. Perform an empty shot (video: Fill the tank or your SpyraBlaster like usual4. Shoot 5 times in the air5. Fill the tank or your SpyraBlaster

SpyraBlaster leaks after filling the tank

Water can enter through the outer shell of the SpyraTwo if you overreach the immersion line (grey part of the SpyraOne front) while pumping. To avoid this only insert the SpyraTwo to the marked immersion line into the water.