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What do the game modes of the SpyraThree™ look like?Updated 24 days ago

Our engineering team has enabled the most epic water blaster 🔧🌊. With the SpyraThree™ you have the chance to switch between three play styles. Choose the style that is right for you and the occasion:

  • Open mode Just fire away as you like. Every time you pull the trigger, a powerful water blast will be released 💥.
  • Burst mode Fire 3 super fast, consecutive, ultra-powerful water blasts every time you pull the trigger ⚡💦. But beware, your tank will be depleted insanely fast ⚠️.
  • League mode This is our official SPYRA tournament mode 🏆. Your rate of fire is restricted, but keep the trigger pulled to release a PowerShot for superior range and impact 🚀💧.
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